Category: Education

A Day in the Life of a Houseparent: Balancing Care and Technology with Reach
Morgan Wirtanen, Dorm Parent at King’s-Edgehill School, shares how Reach technology streamlines everything from morning check-ins to late-night duty reports, allowing houseparents to focus on what matters most: their students. A Day in the Life of a Houseparent: How Reach Makes It All Easier.
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The Sleep Crisis Among Students: A Wake-Up Call for Well-Being and Academic Performance
The 2024 Student Voice Report by Challenge Success shows high school students get only 6.6 hours of sleep per night. This sleep deficit impacts their stress, well-being, and performance. Schools must promote healthier sleep habits and rethink schedules.
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To My Child’s Dorm Parent!
A heartfelt letter from a parent to their child's dorm parent highlights the deep trust and anxieties involved in boarding school life. It's a powerful reminder of the impact dorm parents have—worth reading!
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Does your boundary training address every level necessary to protect youth and you?
Educators need better boundary conversations that focus on legal, professional, emotional, and social boundaries. Shifting from fear-based restraint to trust-based professionalism is crucial for fostering safe, supportive relationships with students.
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8 Ways to Improve the Family Experience with Technology
Choosing the right tech for schools involves considering the family experience. Effective solutions should save time, be mobile-responsive, secure, and easy to navigate. They should also offer clear communication and support, ensuring families are satisfied and engaged with the school's technology.
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Student Readiness – How ‘learning ready’ are our students?
Andrew Fuller and Skodel's analysis on student readiness reveals three main inhibiting factors: high pressure from self and family, concentration issues, and lack of classroom connection. Addressing anxiety, digital habits, and fostering social networks are key to improving learning readiness.
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Insights vs. Oversights: Elevating Student Care with Elite Student Protection
Elite Student Protection emphasizes the critical role of comprehensive insurance in safeguarding students’ well-being. Their 15 years of experience, meticulous travel risk mitigation, extensive paramedical benefits, and active community support distinguish them from others. They address common administrative oversights by ensuring flexible enrollments, bridging coverage gaps, and empowering informed decisions, fostering a safer, supportive environment for students.
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How Reach can more than pay for itself at your school.
Reach isn't just an expense; it's an investment that pays off in real time. Say goodbye to endless paperwork and hello to reclaimed hours in your week! From meal and event planning to risk management, Reach has you and your school community covered. All School Administrators! Want to make your school operations smoother than ever? Meet Reach – your new partner in efficiency! Plus, it's a hub of shared knowledge and best practices from schools worldwide!
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5 Ways School Leaders Can Make Connections Count
Building trusted and boundaried relationships with students is essential for their well-being and academic success. However, literature lacks detailed guidelines. Here's how school leaders can foster such relationships: prioritize professional development, communicate care expectations, invest in advisory programs, train student leaders, and assess connections regularly.
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Charting New Paths in Experiential Education and Customer Success at Reach
Kristen Tobin, Manager of Customer Success at Reach, integrates her boarding school experience into her role, enhancing experiential learning at Verde Valley School. Leading expeditions like Wilderscapes and Grand Canyon hikes, she fosters personal growth and community. Kristen's use of technology, like Reach, ensures student safety and convenience, aligning with her holistic approach to education and customer success.
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The Power of Pastoral Notes: Nurturing Student Well-being All Year Long
Amidst the diverse landscape of student life, Reach's Pastoral Notes stand out as a vital ally. As we approach Blue Monday, this tool becomes crucial for recording, reporting, and efficiently monitoring students' well-being. Explore its transformative impact in our Knowledge Base—your journey to mastery begins here.
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The Crucial Role of Quick Support in Student Life Management  Software
In the realm of modern student life management software, quick support is paramount. At Reach, we go beyond technology, offering regional, responsive assistance from a team with a deep understanding of school life. Our support hub, a digital lifesaver, ensures seamless operations and a touch of warmth amid tech troubles. Choose Reach for a partner dedicated to your school community's well-being and success.
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Reimagining the Boarding School TRIPLE THREAT Model for a New World
Explore a paradigm shift in boarding school recruitment and faculty expectations. Greg Martin from Vermont Academy advocates for a modern pitch, highlighting community living and cultural richness. The discussion delves into evolving faculty expectations, challenging the traditional "triple threat" model. The article proposes practical strategies to adapt, fostering a more inviting professional environment.
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Exploring the Ultimate Resource Hub for Teachers and Educators!
Calling all educators! Ready to enhance your teaching journey? Discover the ultimate resource hub at Reach.Cloud. Check out our article on how to navigate these resources: Exploring the Ultimate Resource Hub for Teachers and Educators! All designed to elevate your classroom experience – Your educational success is our mission!
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The Great Leadership TEST
Discover the article's focus on trust and empowerment's transformative role in school relationships. Challenges faced by student leaders due to limited support are highlighted. The shift from ego-centric to community-centered leadership is explored, promoting inclusivity. The article underscores trust and empowerment's vital role in unlocking distributed leadership's potential. Stay tuned for more insights.
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What Is Student Well-Being, and How Do We Create the Conditions to Support It in Our Schools?
Challenge Success partners with schools to enhance student well-being, engagement, and belonging. Research underscores the links among these factors. Leading sources of student stress are grades, workload, and sleep insufficiency. Strategies to improve welfare involve transparent assessments, balanced expectations, sleep awareness, emotional support, and acknowledging well-being's nuanced nature. These efforts collectively foster resilience and long-term student well-being
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Supporting Young People with FRIENDS
Discover the truth of supporting young people through friendship challenges and social turbulence! In this article, Brooklyn Raney, founder of One Trusted Adult, shares expert tips on navigating changing friendships. Don't miss out on this must-read article filled with strategies for building strong connections, healthy boundaries and judgment-free zones.
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The Trouble with “Important, but Not Urgent” Projects
Struggling to find time for important but not urgent work? Let’s unpack that with Jackie O'Rourke, founder of Outermost Education Services. Drawing from her experience as a Dean, Jackie understands the hurdles faced by schools and the weight of strategic priorities. Developed specifically for people with roles under the Student Life umbrella working on strategic priorities.
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Hiring Practices: Developing a Year-Round Model
In this article discover the urgent need for evolving hiring practices in the independent school community. This article explores the cost of faculty turnover, the outdated approach to hiring, and the benefits of a year-round, strategic model. Learn how schools can improve onboarding, mentorship, and workload to retain faculty talent and reduce expenses.
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A caring climate that promotes belonging and engagement
Robots may not have a need to feel included in society, but every student needs to feel like they are seen and valued in order to learn. Creating a culture where belonging and engagement in learning are foundational is a win for all of us, students and educators alike.
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Between a Clock and a Hard Place
Between a clock and a hard place! Your school’s mental health matters. "I am sure you have felt it. We all have. It is before us each day, present in the vast range of urgent needs of each student, as complex as their long and certainly winding journeys..."
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